Call for Papers



Emerging electronic systems and Frontiers Development Technologies:

DSP Implementations and Embedded Systems
Rapid Prototyping and Tools for DSP Design
Sensor Array and Multi-channel Processing


Computer Vision and Intelligent Image Processing:

Computer Vision & Virtual Reality
Image Processing & Understanding
Image/Video Processing and Coding
PDE for Image Processing
Pattern Recognition

Key Technologies and Challenges in Future Communication Systems:

Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks
Communication and Broadband Networks
Cryptography and Network Security
Modulation and Channel Coding
Multimedia & Human-computer Interaction
Multimedia Communications
Next Generation Mobile Communications
Optical Communications
Parallel and Distributed Processing
RF and Wireless Communications
SP for Internet and Wireless Communications
SP for Sensor Networks
Spectrum Estimation & Modeling
5G and beyond networks
Big data and machine learning for networks
Cellular networks
Cloud computing/mobile cloud computing
Connected unmanned aerial/terrestrial/underwater systems
Cross-layer optimization and control
Cyber-physical systems
Datacenter networking
Dynamic spectrum sharing
Energy efficiency in networks
Edge and fog computing/networking
Information security and privacy
Information-centric networking
Internet architecture
Internet of Things
Localization and location-based services
Medium access control
MIMO-based networking
mmWave, THz, VLC, full duplex communication networks
Mobile sensing and applications
Mobility management and models
Multimedia networking
Network management
Network measurement and analysis
Network security and privacy
Network virtualization
Optical networks
Overlay and peer-to-peer networks
Quality-of-service and resource management
Quantum networking
Router and switch design
Routing and multicast
Smart grid applications
Social computing and networks
Software-defined networking
Vehicular networks

Digital Signal Analysis and Processing Methods:

Analog and Mixed Signal Processing
Array Signal Processing
Audio and Electroacoustics
Audio/Speech Processing and Coding
Bioimaging and Signal Processing
Biometrics & Authentification
Biosignal Processing & Understanding
Communication Signal processing
Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
Hardware Implementation for Signal Processing
Higher Order Spectral Analysis
Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing
Internet Signal Processing
Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Multimedia Signal Processing
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Radar Signal Processing
Signal Processing and Communications Education
Signal Processing for Communications
Signal Processing for Security
Signal Processing Theory and Methods
Soft Computing and Machine learning for Signal Processing and Communications
Sonar Signal Processing and Localization
Speech and Audio Coding
Speech Processing
Speech Synthesis & Recognition
Spoken Language Processing
Statistical Signal Processing
TF Spectrum Analysis & Wavelet
Time-Frequency/Time-Scale Analysis












To be added...