Key Information to Submit
Submission Guide
Submission System:
Note: If an author doesn't have an iConf account, you need to create an account first. Then, log in with the created account. Then, click on the "Submit" sign.
The submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two experts selected by the Technical Committee for their demonstrated knowledge of particular topics. Authors will be notified of the review results by email around notification date.
Submission Note
⇨ Papers must be prepared at the highest level of quality for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore.
⇨ All papers must be written in English and prepared in compliance with the paper formatting template.
⇨ All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism through the IEEE CrossCheck system. This rate should be 25% without references, 30% with references at most.
⇨ Papers have a maximum page limit of 5 pages including references and graphses and figures. If they exceed 5 pages, author must pay extra fee.
⇨ Since the acceptance rate will be kept below 60%, priority will be given to papers with high review scores.
⇨ All submissions will be subject to double-blind reviews.
⇨ A speaker can present a maximum of 3 papers. An author's name can be included on maximum 5 papers.